The click of a fashion photographer’s camera started her on a career that led to terror and death!
A young, impressionable trainee hairdresser, Angela (Sigrid Thornton), becomes a media sensation after posing topless for an advertising campaign. Thrust into the high stakes world of glamour and fame, Angela discovers that she is being stalked by a mysterious psychopath – in a Mr. Whippy van!
Could the unseen psycho be the seductive lesbian super model (Chantel Contouri), the kinky photographer (Hugh Keays-Byrne), the lecherous film producer (Robert Bruning) or Angela’s devoted - but unstable - boyfriend (Vincent Gill)?
All will be revealed in this taut and titillating thriller from Ozploitation A-team producer Antony I. Ginnane (PATRICK), director Simon Wincer (HARLEQUIN), screenwriter Everett De Roche (LONG WEEKEND) and cinematographer Vincent Monton (ROADGAMES).
Chantal Contouri (Madeline) , Sigrid Thornton (Angela) , Hugh Keays-Byrne (Linsey)